Friday, 27 September 2013


In this post I'll talk a bit about my past projects and areas of interest.

My main interest is in 3D characters. While I enjoy all aspects of the pipeline I am most experienced in the animation portion of the process having used both key frame and motion capture to produce final results.

I worked as the animator for my 3rd year group project which was an infinite runner, featuring a ninja running along rooftops sliding and jumping to navigate obstacles.

In the summer between 3rd and 4th year I took part in the Dare to be Digital competition on the project "Grav Tech". As part of this project I was responsible for the majority of the concept work, some asset creation and anything relating to the character.

My 4th year project was titled "Credible performance of NPC's within Story Driven Games" which aimed to devise a system to create a more believable performance taking into account current technological limitations and timescales. To demonstrate my research I created clips using motion capture to show a variety of possible interactions the player might have with a non playable character.

I played a small role on the art/empathy game "9.03m" created by Space Budgie as well as working on some of their other projects.

While I enjoy many of the art roles in the game development process, I have become more focused on learning more about the animation processes including more technical art roles such as using python script to produce helpful tools and Rigging.

In the future I would like to be more competent at 2D animation for games as well as 2D and 3D asset creation.

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